“The person who takes medicine must recover twice, once from the disease and once from the medicine.”
-William Osler.
We followed all their advice, the CDC, the academic doctors on TV, Dr. Fauci, our friends, pretty much everyone. We vaccinated ourselves for everything. We put on masks. We washed our hands for the requsite 20 seconds. And yet, we’re still all getting sick. Why?
In my world in long term care, viruses are soaring through our buildings with a ferocity I have not seen in the past 30 years. There is the GI bug, RSV, COVID, Flu, and about a dozen other respiratory viruses. And these are all occurring in people who have received copious vaccinations—to COVID many times, RSV, flu, two pneumonia shots, to name a few—and often received them in the same arm on the same day. The CDC and Travis Kelce say it’s ok to get a bunch of vaccines in a single day, and who could argue with them?
Facts argue with them. This has been a winter of unprecedented viruses in people vaccinated and masked and following the rules. We are basically falling victim not only to our own cognitive biases and religiously-motivated fears, but also to the words of alleged experts who we still seem to believe even after we had the worst outcome in the world from COVID based on their advice.
There are three ways to unravel what we are seeing, and we’ll look at each of them. And yes, if we question or even are skeptical of vaccines in this setting, then we sound like Kennedy, and we’ve already declared him to be a nut job because that’s what the experts and our favorite news shows have told us. Doesn’t he have worms in his head? Didn’t he kill a bear in Central Park and eat it? Isn’t he planning on banning all vaccines and forcing us to all die? No, not true. Well, maybe the worms, but not the rest. It’s easy to demonize someone when he asks questions, and that’s all Kennedy has ever done. Unfortunately, he’s asking questions that make all the experts and the CDC look uneducated, questions that if answered properly could harm the pharmaceutical industry and the medical industrial complex. So, yea, no one likes Kennedy, because he makes them all squirm. But shouldn’t we look at what’s going on and use our critical thinking skills and open minds to discuss it? Or is the medical world as binary as Fauci and his supporters have always said: “I am science,” said Fauci. In other words, facts be damned, just listen to me. And Travis Kelce apparently.
Yea, listening to these experts has gotten us pretty far in the world, not only the highest death rate from COVID and from our approach to COVID (non-COVID deaths), but also a reduction in 4 years in life expectancy, and outrageous costs to us and the system in the past 4 years. And of course, even before we trod down the Fauci path with COVID, we still spent far more than anyone in the world and had among the lowest life expectancy and the highest burden of chronic disease. We are paying to get sicker because of these experts. And such flawed thinking crosses the entire healthcare landscape. Masks certainly don’t work as ALL THE SCIENCE HAS SHOWN. And neither do stents or Eliquis or most statins or stress tests or PSA testing or so much else that we’ve come to believe in as gospel at a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars a year. We are dying sooner and getting sicker as we hand more of our money to white-coated experts because we view them as high priests whose words speak louder than facts. And as we all get sick this winter, that’s what we have to remember. We must look at facts and use our brains. Science can’t be a religion. It can’t be a dogma preached by a clergy wearing white coats who have a lot to gain from our compliance. We have to look at reality and ask hard questions.
So, then, why is everyone getting so sick despite all the vaccines and all the precautions? Here are the three reasons:
Travis Kelce is wrong about vaccines. There’s a shocker. On his commercial he proudly shows the many Band-Aids for the vaccines he gets all at once. But how does that make sense, especially in the elderly whose immune system is about as robust as Kelce’s grasp of science? We are getting all the vaccines, but especially if we’re old, we’re getting sicker. Why?
My dad always loved vaccines. He thought they should never be questioned. He saw polio evaporate because of them. He was a very smart man, but with vaccines he turned off his brain and just believed. And probably reasonable vaccination makes sense. But do kids really need 70 vaccines before they get to college? That’s what they’re getting. As Kennedy and others will accurately state, no one has studied the effect of multiple vaccines on kids. Especially the COVID vaccine, which has profound effects on the immune system and clearly can trigger auto-immune diseases and who knows what else. We don’t know because we’re shoving it in kids without testing it. And fewer kids died of COVID before the vaccine than died of being hit by lightning. So why are we doing this?
The immune system is not something that has infinite power. When we hit it with a vaccine, we’re steering part of it toward whatever we’re immunizing it against. Those antibodies will hang around for quite some time, detracting the immune system from being able to attack other things. So with 70 vaccines, who knows what else we’ll be vulnerable to. Kids are getting sicker. Is that why? And the COVID vaccine occupies our immune system for months if not longer. It is very immunogenic, it takes over. How does that affect the other vaccinations they get? How does it impact their ability to fight other illnesses? We don’t know. But for some reason, if we dare ask, we’re crucified as an anti-science nut job. As Einstein said, and I paraphrase, those who believe blindly what they’re told and refuse to question truths are the ones who are anti-science nut jobs.
In the elderly, multiple vaccines cause more problems because their immune system isn’t very robust. Remember when we were told that we shouldn’t get a flu shot if we’re sick? Do you know why that is? Well, it’ simple. Our immune system isn’t great, and if it’s fighting a cold or something else, it can’t simultaneously make immunity to flu from a shot. Also, when we give the flu shot, we detract our immune system from it fighting the cold. So it’s a lose-lose proposition. You don’t get an immunization if you’re sick. That’s been proven science, and it makes sense.
How does that same logic not apply to multiple vaccinations? If we take two vaccines at once, our body can’t make immunity to both, it’s just not strong enough to do that when we are older. So, we get immunity to neither. What about 3 shots like Kelce and the CDC suggest? That’s even worse! And it creates a bizarre immune storm whereby we make small amounts of antibodies—not enough to protect us but enough to get us sick and to prevent us from fighting other infections that may hit us. We basically paralyze the immune system. When the CDC and Kelce suggested we get multiple vaccinations, they both relied on the same data to make that conclusion. That is, no data at all. No one has studied it. So, as experts, they simply declared it to be truth, CNN announced it as such, and thus it is so. But we know that being sick and getting an immunization is bad, so why wouldn’t this be bad? Only anti-science nut jobs dare ask!
Thus, as everyone is getting slammed by one vaccine after another, usually at the same time, they’re still getting sick from all the viruses they’re supposed to be protected against, and they’re sitting ducks to every other bug that floats past them because they now have a dysfunctional immune system. That is actual science, not the faith-based gospel of the CDC. Heck, who ever even thought about RSV before they made a vaccine for it, and now it seems everyone is getting it. Coincidence? Unlikely. But if we don’t look at facts and ask questions, if we blindly comply to what experts like Travis Kelce tell us (and he may be smarter than those at the CDC), and if we react to all this illness by wearing more masks and taking more vaccinations, how are we addressing this problem? We aren’t’, because our science has been coopted by priests who play into our cognitive biases and our deep seeded fears. That’s why we’re all getting sick.
Follow the Money. Obviously Kelce’s reasons for being in commercials advocating multiple vaccinations simultaneously is obvious. He wants to make more money. But why the CDC? Why CNN? Why all these experts from places like Hopkins and Harvard who demand we get vaccinated against everything all at the same time? Well, it turns out they have the same reason as Kelce. It’s all about the money.
Sickness is the best fodder for the healthcare system to suck money from us. Sickness and fearmongering. If we all ate well and exercised and stayed away from doctors we’d live longer and feel better and likely not be sick this winter. But then how would we be able to generate our 4 trillion dollars of healthcare dollars if we did all that? Vaccines and illness are big bucks. The RSV shot and the COVID shot each cost about $500 each. And we keep getting them. Plus, when we get sick from killing our immune system, illness leads to drugs (think two of the most dangerous and useless ones that are prescribed at the tune of billions of dollars a year, Paxlovid and Tamiflu), and we see specialists and get tests and go to the hospital. Lots of people benefit from all that!
I’m not saying that we’re in a conspiracy theory movie. I don’t think it’s all intentional. But if we tell people the truth about vaccines, many people wouldn’t get so many. They may get one or two, or none, but certainly not three at the same time. We have no evidence that any of these new vaccines has any value, and given that we’re seeing so much illness, there’s a good chance they are causing harm. But they are great for drug company stocks and for the healthcare system. I know it sounds cynical, but how else to explain it? My cynical alarms always go off when I watch doctors lead vulnerable patients down paths of excessive testing and drugging even as studies and reality suggest otherwise. They know how to scare you and then offer a simple solution, and that formula translates into big bucks. And lots of illness. Which leads to more big bucks.
And what about all those experts on CNN that sound so convincing? Well, CNN gets paid a ton by drug companies through advertising, and that’s not debatable. And every academic expert that marches on TV with a serious stare and a crisp white coat is also dependent on drug companies to finance their research, which is how they get paid and get famous and go on CNN in the first place. Maybe it’s not volitional that their reflexes always tell you to take drugs and get tests and be vaccinated as much as possible all at once. But let’s face it, it helps them out and keeps them in good graces with their drug company handlers. And if they are paid by groups whose products they implore you to take, how can we trust them? Do you trust someone paid by Exxon telling you to burn more fossil fuels because gas reduces global warming? Of course not. This is the same thing.
We can’t believe anyone who has a financial interest in having us take drugs or doing tests that helps their bottom line. Under most circumstances we would see right through them. But heath preys on our fears, and thus we are more apt to believe the priests who have promised us medical salvation and to turn away from seeing them for what they are and dismissing facts on the ground that challenge their biblical wisdom. They know that too, and so they always scare us before telling us to hand them the cash. And the experts who seek your financial cooperation make sure to also demean anyone as a nut job who questions them. Questions are not good for the health care bonanza in this county. As my former governor used to say: just wear the damned mask. And too he said, just get the damned shot. The governor relied on experts. The experts relied on him. It is always a big happy family when everyone can get paid from a lie.
Cognitive Biases. We want to believe in simple solutions to complex problems. This is what I call the masking of life: wear a mask and you won’t get sick, facts be damned! Get a stent, check your PSA, take Ozempic for obesity, fix your cholesterol; all problems can be simplified and fixed with drugs and procedures. They are all masks that make us feel safer even if we’re not. Our medical system is just a huge number of very expensive and seductive masks, not even the N-95 ones either! And anyone or anything that introduces uncertainty or doubt into our cognitive need for a simple solution we are apt to reject. Why believe someone who says maybe when there’s a lot of other saying definitely?
And so we want to think that Travis Kelce and the CDC and Fauci and CNN and the academic doctors on TV have analyzed the research and are saying something they know is true and will help us. But no, they have created a religiously seductive solution to complex problems: get a lot of vaccines all at once, and if God forbid we get sick, take a bunch of these new and expensive medicines. When someone like me or Kennedy or so many others question that liturgy, they lash out at us as misinformers or anti-science or conspiracy theorists. This is a game that has been going on for a long time, ever since drug companies in the early 1900’s hired doctors to write biased articles in their commercial journals and pass them off as legitimate. Today virtually every medical study in the best journals from the best universities is paid for, designed, and sometimes written by the drug company who makes the drug being studied. Then CNN and its paid doctor advisors say it is so, and then our doctors—who usually get information from CNN or from the drug-company studies—endorse it. And the solution is always very simple and it gives us comfort.
So when we have this cognitive need for simple solutions, we push back hard against anyone who disputes those easy fixes or makes it all nuanced or complicated, and we push back hard against reality even if it’s hitting us right in the face. This is no different than a Trump environmentalist saying that there can’t be global warming because it’s cold outside. Once we believe that alluring truth, then they can use their big cars and not worry about hurting the environment. No one wants a complicated and messy life. That’s why we all turn to priests who pretend to be experts and who tell us what we want to hear. That’s how the healthcare system continues to buzz along. And that’s why we’re all getting so sick this winter. A winter that the Trumpists say proves there is no global warming since it’s so cold, and a winter that our health care priests say proves that we need more vaccinations and more expensive new drugs and more confinement since very one is getting sick. It’s been a tough winter for those of us who like the messy truth!
Thus, we have more infections than ever despite people getting multiple vaccines, with infections spreading despite masks and all the other nonsense that studies show doesn’t work. But since we have come to believe in simple solutions like multiple vaccines and masks, we don’t attribute these problems to what actually caused them. In fact, in response to what all these vaccines and masks have likely contributed to, we respond by do more masking and vaccinating and continue to skewer anyone who dares question what’s going on. That’s cognitive bias, and that’s the other reason why we are being slaughtered with infections this year.
Then, what do we do? Well, it’s simple. We must turn our heads away for a reliance on priests in white coats and a binary of us vs then, turn away from simple solutions, and become the type of thinking science-oriented human beings that people like Albert Einstein and William Osler implored us to be. We must question everything. When someone calls me a vaccine skeptic, I say, thank you. Of course I am. I am always a skeptic, especially if everything they say makes no common sense and is disputed by facts on the ground. Where are the studies? Who did them? Why is everyone who has had all these vaccines getting so sick? Why are people wearing masks all the time far sicker than I am? I look at facts, and I demand an explanation. That this angers those who profit from our blind submission to simple cognitive needs, that this angers those who have put faith in the priests and declared them to be sacrosanct, that’s annoying, but it doesn’t stop me from being a skeptic and opening my brain to all possibilities. And I don’t even have worms in my brain!
William Osler, who was the arguably the smartest and still most quoted doctor in America, knew in the early 1900’s that the epidemic of drugging pushed by doctors is the biggest problem we have. He said it’s the first duty of doctors to teach patients to stop relying on drugs for everything. He knew. We are literally getting ourselves sick by getting our medical advice from Travis Kelce and by a host of tainted doctors in academia and the CDC who have strong ties to the drug industry and who will provide the most appealing solution that will convince you to buy their drugs and believe what they say. It’s time we stop. This winter should be a wake-up call. Let’s study it. Let’s take a step back. None of this is working. It’s time we become smarter and less vulnerable. It’s time we listen to science and open our eyes to the reality of this massive and deadly deception.