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The Impact of Fauci’s Pardon on Healthcare and Democracy


“Let me be perfectly clear: I have committed no crime and there are no possible grounds for any allegation or threat of criminal investigation or prosecution of me. The fact is, however, that the mere articulation of these baseless threats, and the potential that they will be acted upon, create immeasurable and intolerable distress for me and my family.”

-Anthony Fauci on why he accepted President Biden’s pardon

How convenient! We who live in the real world must be accountable for our actions. Even if we think we’re guiltless, it is the very soul of a democracy to insist we prove our innocence against those who accuse us. But somehow, due to Biden’s pardon, Anthony Fauci is above the law, is someone not accountable for his actions. And in accepting the pardon, Anthony Fauci essentially acknowledged his guilt, because any truly innocent person would welcome the opportunity to defend himself in front of the court of law and public opinion.

Now, because of this pardon, we as a nation will never have an opportunity to learn from our past mistakes. Anthony Fauci and Joe Biden, as well as numerous governors and doctors, used a crisis to amass unprecedented powers over our very lives, and the result was not only a suppression of science and democracy for far too many years, but also the highest COVID and non-COVID death rate in the world. Was Anthony Fauci a criminal? Now we will never know. Was he responsible for countless deaths and for a toxic blow to the integrity of our healthcare system? The answer to that is yes.

Was Fauci a criminal?

President Biden’s pardon extended back to 2014. Why that date? It’s because that is when Anthony Fauci, against expect orders from the Obama justice department, set up a gain of function lab in Wuhan China, a lab that experimented on Coronaviruses, a lab from which COVID likely escaped. That alone, if proven, is criminal to the highest degree. But too, all through COVID, Fauci lied about that fact, denying any involvement in Coronavirus research and any ties to the Wuhan lab. Again, that too, if proven, is a criminal act.

Why is this important? Because if he set up that lab in violation of government dictates, if he conducted coronavirus research in that lab, if COVID escaped from that lab, then Anthony Fauci is one of the greatest criminals and killers in the history of the human race. Why would we not be allowed to investigate this? By preventing the world from looking into these allegations, we are white washing something horrific, and we are preventing us from learning how to move ahead. No one, no Democrat, no citizen of this country or the world, should be deprived of understanding how COVID came to be leaked, and what role Anthony Fauci had in that catastrophe.

Why is Biden so intent in suppressing an investigation? Because he too could be implicated. His presidency crossed many ethical and legal lines. He is inexorably tied to the pharmaceutical industry, as is Fauci, as both have received copious funding from drug companies. Early on in his Presidency, Biden suppressed free speech—anyone who dared question the Fauci dogma was subject to criminal prosecution, loss of jobs, and censorship—as he forced people to be vaccinated against their will. He discharged military who would not be vaccinated. He dismissed Federal employees who refused to be vaccinated. He even tried to pass a bill that would deny coverage to any Medicare recipient hospitalized with COVID who had not been vaccinated. And when Paxlovid came out, without any studies to support its use, he used taxpayer funds to purchase tens of millions of dollars of it to keep in the Federal depository, just in case. This is just the tip of the iceberg of how Biden used COVID to promote the drug industry and assail choice and civil liberty, an executive over-reach that ranks among the most onerous in history.

Some may say: Biden was just trying to end COVID. But at the time, drugs similar to Paxlovid had been shown to been ineffective and potentially dangerous, something we know all too well about Paxlovid now. We also knew that the vaccine was not making a dent in COVID; more people died and became sick after the vaccine was introduced than before it, and we too knew that many people were getting sick from it, including myself and dozens of people I know. Not just sick a little. But dying from it and having life-altering medical complications. Many in the medical community insisted we move in a different direction, that vaccines be a choice reserved for the old and sick (as is done in Europe), and that we needed better studies before making baseline proclamations and passing suffocating and dangerous laws. But Biden cancelled any detractors, censoring them, insisting they be fired from their jobs, preventing them from going to school. No wonder he wants Fauci off the hook; any trial of Anthony Fauci would invariably point back to him.

Please understand. I’ve always loved Joe Biden. I voted for him. I’m a liberal Democrat. But what he did during COVID was frankly criminal and evil. He took away our rights to our choices and our bodies, he threatened our jobs and our livelihoods, he censored us and debased us. He did this at the bequest of Fauci and the drug companies. This is why he does not want to see a reckoning. He could well go down as the worst President in history if the truth came out.

So, yes, the pardon helps both men. Fauci made millions during COVID, money from his patents and his ties to pharmaceutical companies he promoted. Biden paid off the debt of his drug company sponsors. How can any of us, despite our party, want to simply bury the truth behind a pardon? Doesn’t the horror of COVID, and the autocratic state that existed during COVID whereby choice and liberty became victims of executive overreach, deserve to be explored? Or will we simply say: Fauci gave it his best, and did a great job, all the deaths and misery aside? That’s what Biden has done. How are we not enraged?

Did Fauci help us get through COVID?

The fact we had the highest death rate in the world from both COVID and from our response to COVID—with a decline by 4 years in life expectancy, while nations like Sweden saw an increase in life expectancy—should alone make us question the competency of Fauci’s leadership. He essentially held dictatorial powers over our COVID response. He spit out directives that most governors, and President Biden, blindly followed. Any who criticized him was debased by media and doctors heavily financed by drug companies. We did what he said, and we died, in numbers far higher than anywhere else in the world, especially higher than nations like Sweden that did just the opposite of what he said. And now Fauci is a hero, he is teaching at Georgetown, he has written a best-selling book, and he has Biden’s protective pardon. It’s like putting baseball players into the hall of fame and having them teach our kids baseball when they have a 100 batting average and multiple errors? That’s Fauci. He led us into the pits of hell, into death and devastation, and anyone who dared question him was skewered, and he batted far less than 100. We should not be idolizing him. We should be placing him on trial, not for only his criminal activities, but also for his mishandling of a crisis that could have been easily contained with far less death and suffering.

To exonerate Fauci is to push for a healthcare system where dogma, drug-company leadership, censorship, and persecution rein. God forbid anyone questions the drug industry, or specialist doctors, or medical schools whose doctors essentially are mouthpieces of big Pharma. God forbid anyone dares to say that perhaps we should explore other approaches if people are dying in numbers that far exceed what we are seeing across the world. People did try to push back, to use facts to show the errors of Fauci’s path, but they were all crucified. And now that Fauci has been wrapped in Teflon, his grievous errors will not be studied and placed under the scope of scrutiny. No, just the opposite. They will be repeated. They will become the norm.

Let’s look as just a few of his foibles:

• Before COVID hit our shores, some doctors—especially looking at the Italian data—discovered how to best treat the virus. Harvard, in fact, published guidelines in March of 2020, guidelines that I and many of my colleagues used. We saw that deaths were occurring from blood clots (70%), inflammation, and bacterial infection. So we treated people with blood thinners, steroids, and antibiotics. Guess what? It worked. But Fauci declared that to be misinformation. He, along with the CDC, squelched any notion that we could treat the effects of COVID. Soon enough, Harvard pulled down its website. CNN, MSNBC, Democratic governors (and Hogan in my state) called doctors who dared treat their patients dangerous misinforming, anti-science, quacks. Medical schools tried to kick such doctors off their faculties. There was the Fauci way and no other way. Because of that, hundreds of thousands died unnecessarily. Don’t we want to know why Antyony Fauci broke every tenant of science and medicine by suppressing discussion and debate and preventing doctors from treating patients? Was it because if we had viable treatment then the vaccine could not be approved as an emergency measure, and since Fauci had a financial stake in the vaccine, did he simply let people die to make sure it was approved? That’s what some people are saying. So why are we not asking questions and forcing him to explain himself? Why are the medical and Democratic political community preventing us from finding the truth? Why does Fauci not want to explain his actions? Perhaps he has a good reason for not allowing treatment. But shouldn’t we get a chance to ask?

• Well before COVID we knew that masks could not work to suppress respiratory viral infections. Cochrane published data from studies of masks on flu—a virus larger than COVID and more likely to be blocked by a mask—and found no benefit. Masks did not help reduce spread, masks did not protect the wearer or anyone with whom the wearer came into contact. As COVID progressed, 80 randomized trials, and all our collective experience—especially in long term care facilities—definitely proved that masks did not help anyone; if anything, they made matters worse. Countries like Sweden and Denmark—whose death rates were far lower than ours—explicitly restricted mask use, not only because of their lack of efficacy, but because wearing a mask gave people false reassurance and thus put them and others in harm’s way. Besides, a society of masked people only promotes fear and distrust, is deleterious to kids and elders, and creates a sense of incessant foreboding. And yet, Fauci—despite earlier decrying mask use—relied on masks as his primary means of combatting COVID. He lied to Americans, suppressed data, demeaned anyone who dared to question the mask myth, and worked to force everyone to wear them, transforming this nation into a cultish theocracy whereby maskers assaulted non-maskers, and visa vera, but the death rate did not slow one bit. By predicating his strategy on masks, he prevented us from going down more sensible and effective roads. The mask became a symbol, a symbol of dogmatic subservience in the absence of facts, an assault on science and on liberty. It’s time we have a reckoning and learn why he did this. Even today, many long term care facilities and health departments, even some schools, insist on masking despite overwhelming evidence they don’t work. By not being allowed to have Fauci present facts that justify his reliance on face coverings instead of more sensible approaches, by not allowing us to understand why he suppressed any conflicting information, we have doomed ourselves to a medical future in which myth becomes dogmatic reality and truth is buried behind simplistic solutions bereft of scientific scrutiny. Is this what we really want?

• On top of masking, Fauci insisted that we could not travel, that schools and businesses and places of worship and recreation must be shut down, that we must engage in ritualist behavior—6 foot separation, 20 second hand washing, one-way aisles, to name a few—all of which he subsequently acknowledged had no basis in fact and did nothing to slow the spread of COVID, but became enshrined in a liturgy that is still with us today. Is that science? Is that freedom? How many lives were ruined by his unsubstantiated proclamations that were taken up by Governors, Mayors, Schools, businesses, and much of society as though they were fact? We believed Fauci, even though he fabricated all of this; none of it was based on science. To Anthony Fauci, obedience to his dictates was the only important path; human life meant nothing to him, human suffering and death was a small price to pay for compliance. Anyone who dared question this was labeled a mass-murderer and was crucified. And yet—despite the horrific outcomes from COVID under his watch and the devastating impact on our lives and well-being and liberties from his policies—we can’t bring him in front of us and find out if he intentionally lied and suppressed truth? Shouldn’t we be given that right? Or are we hiding behind a mask?

• And then there’s the vaccine, the rainbow at the end of the path, the savior that will bring us out of the mess. We forced it in the arms of kids whose risk from COVID was lower than the risk of getting hit by lightning. We took away people’s schooling, jobs, and lives if they dared not want to be injected with something experimental and potentially dangerous. The vaccine did not work, which is why most of the world has rejected it, and why only about 4% of eligible people in the US take it. It has serious and deadly side effects, some of which we are just beginning to see. And yet, Fauci assured us that it was safe and effective. He insisted that it be given to everyone. Why? We do know he has tremendous financial stakes in its success. We do know that he has wanted to experiment with mRNA technology for years. Why can’t we have the opportunity to question him, to force him to defend his decisions and to refute the facts that are building up against his allegations?

For most of his career, Anthony Fauci helped to promote the drug industry. From his perch at the NIH, he served as the conduit between drug companies seeking to set up studies of their products and academic medical centers who would do those studies. Since 99% of clinical studies occur in academic centers and are run by and paid for by drug companies, Fauci amassed tremendous power, while tainting medical research and academic integrity with the stain of drug company profit. He is not a scientist. He is not a humanitarian. He is not a liberal, nor does he believe in liberty or choice. He is a very dangerous, power-hungry, and greedy man, whose protection by Biden obscures just how much devastation he caused to the nation, its people, democratic rights, and scientific integrity. If we simply let Fauci off the hook, if we elevate him to the status of a savior who used science to help us all, then we have doomed science and health care for another generation.

We the people, we the doctors, we who love liberty and value science, insist that Anthony Fauci be put to task for what he has done. If he is truly innocent, let him make his case. The pardon only proves his guilt. If he refused to defend his actions, let’s remove him from his teaching position, let’s explain to the world how he used greed and power to manipulate science to his own designs, let’s take away all the money he made off our suffering. If he doesn’t agree that he is culpable, then let him defend his actions. Because if he hides being the pardon and declares his innocence, he has shown his true colors, and we need to treat him with the same icy cold hands that he used to choke us and scientific integrity for the past 5 years.

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